Commercial Roofing
Unrivaled repairs, restorations, replacements, and installations from the northern border to south Florida.
Unrivaled repairs, restorations, replacements, and installations from the northern border to south Florida.
When you need commercial or industrial roofing, partner with a commercial roofing contractor with the experience and knowledge to deliver your roofing project on time and budget. New Image Roofing provides long-lasting solutions for many of Florida’s most problematic roofing issues.
When you work with us, you can expect a roofing company that exceeds your expectations by providing unparalleled craftsmanship, attention to detail, and customer service. So, whether you have an apartment complex in Pensacola, a strip mall in Orlando, or a gas station in Fort Lauderdale, we are the ideal industrial roofing option throughout Florida.
As full-service commercial roofing contractor, we install, repair, replace, and maintain all types of roof systems, including:
We are dedicated to doing what is best for our customers. We have a project manager on-site at all times, ensuring you have a point of direct contact any time you have questions or concerns.
New Image Roofing’s repairs are designed to provide long-term results, not temporary fixes. Whether you have roof leaks, bent or rusted flashings, or blistered membranes, we deliver solutions that put an end to your roofing problems.
When your roof system is damaged beyond repair or has reached the end of its service life, turn to New Image Roofing. Our fully warrantied workmanship and price match guarantee ensures your business is protected long into the future.
A flat roof restoration is one of the most cost-effective and prolonged roofing services available. When New Image Roofing restores your roof, you spend a fraction of the cost compared to a replacement while extending your roof by 20 years.
There’s no better way to ensure your building reaches its full potential than starting it off with impeccable roofing. New Image Roofing’s new construction services deliver the look, feel, and capabilities you’ve always wanted at a commercial facility.
Spray coatings transform aging and damaged flat or steep slope roofs into highly protective systems. New Image Roofing also applies coatings to new roofs to give your building a superior waterproof barrier that helps reduce the need for repairs.
Do you have a commercial roofing project in mind? New Image Roofing provides free inspections to give you a clear picture of your roofing options and an accurate cost estimate. We know commercial roofing often requires quick solutions. We can have an inspector at your site within 24 hours to get your project completed as soon as possible.
It’s easy to understand why many business owners and property managers prefer repairs vs. replacements. They’re less costly, less complex, and less disruptive. However, repeatedly trying to fix the same problem or patching a failed system only causes more headaches.
New Image Roofing’s experts help explain your options and provide evidence that shows why we recommend the services we do. We don’t perform repair services if we know they don’t offer long-term relief, and we don’t upsell replacements when repairs are a viable option.